See You Soon

BaitconXXV approaches and this will very likely be our last post before the con …

    Important things to note:

Registration is closed. There is no admittance for unregistered guests/last-minute arrivals.

All cabins have been assigned – there are no open/available cabins or huts at this time.

And … we are excited to see you all on the mountain in a few days!!!

For your safety & that of the entire con, we require that you review these pages: the Rules and Keeping Baitcon Safe

For your comfort, health & ease, we ask you to read about What-to-Bring and Mosquitos&Ticks pages.
Additionally, if you have any medical condition or allergies that we should be aware of, we hope you made that clear on your registration form. If not, please make it known, if necessary to any of our medical staff this year.  Please tell us, even if we’ve known about it for years. The medical staff may change each year and out of respect for your privacy, we do not keep this information from year to year.  And if you are sick with or have recently been exposed to a communicable disease such as Measles, Chicken Pox, Ebola (paying attention?), please do NOT attend and thus risk the health of others.

Figure out what you need to pack by visiting our What to Bring page.

Looking for a ride? Able to provide one?  PLEASE CARPOOL and consider using the Ride Board

You may also need Directions or a look at the Map

You can arrive any time after 2p. on Friday.  Do not arrive early, do not decide that you’re only one-car/one group of people and it is no big deal.  It is and we’ll be really grumpy about this if it happens. We are handling our deliveries differently and have trucks going up & down the mountain before the event starts.  So if you arrive in the area before 2p., explore greater Pittsfield or tiny New Lebanon for a bit until 2p when you can head up the mountain road.  Further more, please note the information about unloading your gear and Parking

The chefs will be providing plenty of good food for everyone – check out the Menu

Wondering what else there is to do for fun at Baitcon?  Check out the Merriment page a or bring an idea of your own 🙂  We are excited to announce that in addition to ice cream making&eating, the late-night contra dance, gaming & exploring nature, Platypus Rex will return to the Baitcon stage on Saturday night after nearly a decade! We are so excited about that!  We’re kicking off the concert with a parade!

And, of course, you should view the Ice Cream pages, including Pre-Con Ice Cream Advice, Ice Cream and Kids Ice Cream … and perhaps dream up your own sorbet/ice-cream/ice-milk flavor.

We still need somevolunteers to help with meal service/beverage refills, clean up & parking.  If you’re willing to help with any of those for a couple of hours, please see Tamar (kitchen), Hobbit (parking) or JB (dishes).

We’re all rolling towards the mountain today & tomorrow.  If you have questions, email us if you have any questions –  via info dash {this year}baitcon dot org  before noon on Thursday!

See you soon!
Kimberly & BCC