Category «Uncategorized»

1 Week to Baitcon!

Tomorrow marks just one more week til Baitcon 24 begins!!  So it is time for the annual info post/email.  Be sure that everyone coming with you has registered and shared any relevant dietary or medical allergy info with us!  Registration closes on Tuesday, June 25th. Whether you are new to Baitcon or a seasoned attendee, …

2 Weeks to Baitcon XXIV!

Time to start preparing 🙂 If you’re planning to attend but haven’t yet registered, please remember that registration cost goes up again tomorrow!  And this year there is no admittance for unregistered guests.  Registration closes June 25th.  Everyone in your group has to be registered.  You can get to the registration system via the invitation Some …

Important Registration Notes!

Hi folks – a friendly reminder to anyone planning to attend Baitcon this year – the reg costs go up on Sunday June 16th. And a very important note: anyone wishing to or planning to attend MUST be registered by June 25th. There is no admittance for unregistered or late-registered guests this year.  None.  Nada.   As …

Kids’ Ice Cream

Hey parents&guardians of kids coming to Baitcon! We will once again be setting aside time & space & assistance for kids 0-14 to flavors. This year this will happen from 4p.-5:30p. on Saturday. All the details are here: and we ask that you & your family read that page before arriving at Baitcon. We wanted to …

4 Weeks to Baitcon 24!

We’re looking forward to gathering on the mountain for another weekend of ice cream-in-the-woods, music, games, wonders of nature, community and LN2.  In the next week or so, you’ll start to see more information posted here regarding the specifics of this year’s event – tentative menu, tentative budget, some updates about how ice-cream-making and serving …

Take Tick-Prevention Seriously!

You should all be checking the pull-down menus for important info about What to Bring, Rules, Menu, etc.  But first, you should read this & take it seriously.  Thanks! This is direct from Dr. Jen, who has the utmost hope & care for the health of our attendees. There are signs that this might be …

Emphasizing a Rule

There is an important part of the rules that we CAN NOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH: Absolutely NO marking on, drawing on, or altering of structures at the site without the express permission of the Baitcon Executive Committee. This applies particularly to the Sanctuary, the Labyrinth, and other sacred structures. Not obeying this rule will make you …