2 Weeks to Baitcon XXIV!

Time to start preparing 🙂

If you’re planning to attend but haven’t yet registered, please remember that registration cost goes up again tomorrow!  And this year there is no admittance for unregistered guests.  Registration closes June 25th.  Everyone in your group has to be registered.  You can get to the registration system via the invitation

Some other quick notes:

If you’re hoping for a cabin, get your request in very, very quickly – at present there is only 1 left!

Looking for a ride? Able to provide one?  PLEASE CARPOOL and consider using the RideBoard.

The chefs will be providing plenty of good food for everyone – check out the Menu

Now would also be a good time to review the Rules and What-to-Bring pages.

The Scholarship Fund is busy – we’ve received over $900 in donations – thank you to donors!  We’ve received over 21 requests-for-scholarship and we’ve been able to grant 13 of those thus far.

As ever,  if you have any questions, please feel free to email us via info dash 2013 baitcon dot org

See you soon!