Keeping Baitcon Safe

There have been several incidents over the past few years that have impacted attendees and our event in ways that continue to cause deep concern for the staff, and so, in the hopes that we can maintain a family-friendly event that is open to our wider community of friends and friends-of-friends this year and in future years, we are stating this quite clearly here and in the rules:

Violent, destructive, harassing or threatening behavior or overtly threatening language violates  both the rules of both Baitcon & the Abode. This behavior threatens the safety of everyone and everything that comprises our wonderful event (including people, creatures, nature, structures, property, etc.).

If any member of BCC observes or is made aware of a safety or behavior issue among our attendees or staff, we will do our best to quickly respond and address the issue to ensure the continued safety and enjoyment of Baitcon [30].

If you experience or see something of concern, PLEASE talk to a BCC member as quickly as possible, even if you think someone else may have already done so.

Quiet space for calming snuggles or time-outs is available upon request.  BCC staff may ask that anyone causing disruption or upset use that space to calm down before being allowed to return to public space/activities.

In the event that an issue cannot be resolved, BCC staff – at their sole discretion – may request the immediate departure of any violators.