Baitcon 26 DATE CHANGE!

Baitcon 26 will be held on August 28th-31st, 2015
at the Mountain Campground of the Abode of the Message.

Why Change the Date?
The severe snow and ice this winter has impacted everything in the Northeast – roads, public transportation, roofs, buildings of all sorts (both inside and out), school schedules, etc. Last week, the Abode staff shared some concerns about the potential impact to our site due to the weight of the snow on various buildings and structures and also the possible ground conditions in June. As we are always the first event of the Mountain Campground season, many assessments and repairs are often in-progress during our event. This year, it seems more than likely that many spaces may be unusable even in late June.

Why August?
This was the only available Abode’s only other available weekend this summer. Our new date, much like our traditional date, is sandwiched between many wonderful things. This year, Baitcon 26 will be right after Worldcon and right before Burning Man and Labor Day weekend. This unique date offers us all a chance to experience the Mountain Campground at a different time in the summer, celebrate before kids go back to school.

Registration will open in late May this year. The same go/no-go condition we always have for Baitcon will still apply despite the date change: we need at least 120 paid adult registrations to meet our minimum attendance guarantee and go forward with the event.

We know that many of you many have already planned around our traditional late-June date. We’re sorry about that and we hope you can still join us this year. If you have questions, please email us via this address: exec AT baitcon DOT org