
To avoid crowds and confusion, meal-prep help will be recruited before Baitcon. If we end up short and need more help, we’ll put a call out before each meal-prep shift.

The Baitcon xXx Kitchen Manager is Tamar.  She, and various chefs and staff, will be cooking meals in our indoor, stand-alone kitchen. The meat and veggie prep always stay separate. Meat, vegetarian & vegan, & GF selections are served at the same time.

Allergens will be labeled/noted for each & every dish provided by Baitcon will be posted at the event.

Baitcon is only responsible for the food items listed on the menu here and posted at the event. Most items are made on the “mild” end of the scale, but we do stock various spices and condiments that you can add to your food. We try to strike a balance between nutrition, flavor, budget, and the ability to feed 150+ people at each meal.

Warning About Cross Contamination: It’s going to happen. 29 years of experience says there’s nothing we can do to keep people from cross contaminating during the serving of food. We will TRY to prevent it.

We work hard at not doing it during the prep, and we take serious allergy issues – as reported in your registration – very seriously.

If you have questions or concerns about the menu/kitchen, please email us at food (*)at baitcon dot org as soon as possible and no later than 6/20.

BC 30’s Planned Menu


We provide water (via cooler), juice, coffee, both hot and iced tea, lemonade, sugar-free lemonade/tea equivalents, cow/soy/almond milk.


Baitcon xXx will feature eight meals, afternoon snacks and a bunch of ice cream. Meal times and a list of allergens for each item will be posted in the dining area. Every meal features a vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and meat option.  We will have a small amount of gluten-free pasta, spelt bread, soy dressings, and such available. We plan our meals with food allergies in mind and can always serve some of the items with toppings, dressings, etc. on the side.  Allergens will be noted on the labels for each dish provided by Baitcon.  If you are concerned, please contact us in advance.

There will be bread, peanut & sunflower/almond butters, jelly, butter, hot sauce, and other goodies for between-meal snacking.

Kids will be allowed and encouraged to go through the serving line first.

We cannot provide fridge or freezer space for individuals unless they’ve made arrangements (based on need) in advance. There will be space for medications, insulin, baby food, and breastmilk.

Some people may bring food items to share (yum!). IF YOU ARE BRINGING SOMETHING TO SHARE, please stop by the kitchen door and talk to Tamar about allergen labels.

Baitcon is not responsible for listing the ingredients in those items, nor can we guarantee any storage for them.

Ice cream will be served thrice – Saturday and Sunday nights around 9:30p and the Monday Eat-it-All-Free-for-All.  Please see the Ice Cream Page for more details!


This is our preliminary menu for Baitcon. Most of the old favourites, a couple of new ones. Subject to change due to supply issues
Fri Dinner: meat/veg/vegan red lasagna, gf and nightshade free pesto pasta bake with chicken alongside, garlic bread both butter and gf/vegan, salad with dressing, mac-n-cheese (can be gf on demand)
Breakfast Saturday and Sunday: eggs, tofu scramble, turkey sausage,hand fruit, quick breads, hopefully bagels and cream cheese.
Saturday lunch: tuna salad, curried chicken, quinoa salad, some kind of bean salad,tbd
Saturday dinner: gumbo(gf),chana masala,some kind of nightshade free beef dish(working on that),mac-n-cheese,salad and dressings, white rice
Sunday lunch: peanut noodles with chicken on the side, hot and sour soup,red cabbage slaw..
Sunday dinner: rice bowls with toppings, working on that, cooked proteins, veggies, etc..
PBJ available with meals, mac-n-cheese (can be done gf on demand)
None of this is set in stone, but we should be pretty close to this